Bluejacket: Allagash Saison Day
Bluejacket is honored to be one of seven breweries across the country to co-host Allagash Saison Day 2024! We’ll feature eight different Allagash saisons in honor of this special occasion, plus the debut of our own saison, Minimum Blues!
Bluejacket joins Allagash (ME), Oxbow (ME), Threes (NY), Green Bench (FL), Off Color (IL), and Urban Roots (CA) in toasting one of our favorite styles of beer. French for “season,” saison is a Belgian-style farmhouse ale that originated in the French-speaking region of Wallonia. This complex style of beer is known for its light body, rustic spice character, and bone-dry finish.
To add to the fun, we’ll also release our newest saison, Minimum Blues. Brewed in collaboration with one of our favorite saison brewers, Stillwater, and local beer writer, Phil Runco, this saison was fermented with Texas wildflower honey, then conditioned on prickly pear. Available on draft and in 500 ml bottles to-go!
Saturday, April 27th | Starting at 12:00pm
Free admission, beer is priced a la carte
Dates & Times are subject to change. Please check official event link above prior to arrival.